Stinges: Achieving success with automation
Landbäckerei Stinges & Söhne GmbH, a family business with 115 outlets and 850 employees, has been using RONDO machines for more than 25 successful years. We talked with Fabio Stinges, Head of Production, about the challenges they have faced and the success they have had using RONDO automation solutions.

Customer: Landbäckerei Stinges & Söhne GmbH, Brüggen / Germany
Line: Customised combination of MLC, Starline and Cromaster
In operation since: 2023
Products: Vlaai/Flaa/lattice pastries, nut triangles, cream cookies, butter cakes and other pastries
Production: Vlaai 1,500 pieces/hour
Dough quantity: up to 1,000 kg/h
What challenges are you facing in the market?
Our company has experienced enormous growth in recent years. We had to keep pace with this growth. One challenge we are faced with is the retail sector, which is doing more and more of its own baking. We are striving to compete with that by offering the highest quality and efficiency. We are also addressing the changing needs of our customers. This gives rise to more and more ideas for new types of baked goods.
In what way has RONDO made the automation process easier for you?
We used to make most of our Vlaai or lattice pastries by hand, but with RONDO we have been able to automate Vlaai production to a large extent. Now, in addition to nut triangles, butter cakes, cream cookies and a few other types of pastries, we also make lattice pastries on the same machine.
As a 6th generation family business, that was a bit of a revolution for us, made possible by RONDO. If other products are added in the future, we are prepared for that, too.
What do you value most about the customised solution?
With RONDO, we have succeeded in increasing production volumes and integrating new types of baked goods into the production process. The ability to automate the production of lattices is a real plus point for us, as it means an enormous increase in efficiency thanks to the reduction in manual labour. RONDO has also managed to tailor the machine to our limited space. Stinges will be in an ideal position in the coming years thanks to the investment in this new RONDO machine.
Fabio Stinges, thank you for your time!
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